Mind’s Eye

Vision, Flutter, Flicker

Oscillopsia is a vision problem in which objects appear to jump jiggle or vibrate when they’re actually still.


These are digital edits of hi res-scans of my eye using orbital ultrasonography or a retinal screening test during a optometrist visit.

After visiting (and getting many bright lights flashed in my eyes, I opted for this retinal screening test as a pre-screen for my health. After getting a copy of the images of left and right eyes, I found the scans some of the most encompassing and incredible images of eyes I have ever seen! (All is well, by the way) Since when do you ever get to take a look at the INSIDE of your very own eyes!? The ones that are green/red are the closest to the natural images taken of the scan. (A real example of what the scan looks like can be found through the link below) The rest of these are images I manipulated digitally.

I hope you enjoy these experiments as much as I did making them. 

Some potential ideas and plans I have for them moving forward include, large-scale paintings or transfer designs for fabric art pieces.

Here are some more explanations of the uses of this test. 


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